Our Team

Behind every successful project there's a great team.

Welcome to Halue

We are a technology consulting boutique specializing in developing software solutions for e-commerce and B2C and B2B customer relationships. The strong relationships we build, the integrity we cultivate, and our desire to explore are at the heart of our work, guiding us towards excellence in creating innovative solutions.



We value our relationships with everyone we work with. We believe that authentic relationships are essential for creating valuable projects. We are committed to building strong bonds based on trust and collaboration.


We strive to act ethically and responsibly, both internally and towards clients and suppliers, ensuring that our words always align with our actions.


We are driven by the desire to push beyond, a result of commitment and dedication to constantly challenge ourselves. This drive is essential for changing the current state of affairs and consistently achieving the best results.


Behind every exceptional service, there is an extraordinary team

Halue team

Nicolò Menandro

Solution & Technical Architect

Halue Team

Valentino Baraldo

Founder & Senior Consultant

Halue Team

Alessia Zanella

Senior Software Engineer

Halue team

Antonio Cavestro

Senior Software Engineer

Halue Team

Nicola Gualtiero

Project Management Assistant

Halue team

Carlo Cantarello

Senior Software Engineer

Halue team

Mattia Ferraresso

Senior Project Manager
